Friday, January 25, 2013

The Green Eyed Monster

    When I first realized that I was having problems conceiving I didn't think much of it after all even people who need a little extra help still get pregnant.  I  guess I was a bit uneducated about infertility.  A year into treatment I still was not pregnant and was starting to think I never would be.  That was about the time it seemed like everyone was pregnant.

     Everytime I turned around there was a baby bump.  I would watch these women who would have a toddler or two and a pregnant belly  and want so badly to be them.  Then I would hear them complaining.  Complaining about how tired they were, how they never have a minute to themselves,  how their feet hurt, and the worst how they couldn't wait to not be pregnant anymore. 

     I started to feel very angry.  These women seemed to be able to pop out babies like candy and didn't even realize how lucky they were.  So how do you get past this anger?  I know I shouldn't feel this way its not their fault they can get pregnant everytime they spread their legs.  If I know someone had a hard time conceiving I am so happy for them.  I know the heartache they felt getting to that happy spot.  Maybe that's what I should do, just think every pregnant woman I see must have had some type of treatment to get to be pregnant.

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